New Client Questionnaire Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Twitter Business Name Phone Number Email Address Physical Address Current Website URL (if applicable) Current Web Hosting Company (if applicable) Do you currently own a domain? If so, what domain registrar do you use? (if applicable) What type of website do you need? ( Example: Personal Sports Blog Small Business Medium Business E-Commerce Restaurant ) Please describe your organization in a few sentences. What problems do your clients have that your organization solves? What makes you different? Why do you want to have a new website and what are your priorities? What frustrates you about your current website? Describe the desired look and feel by using adjectives and short phrases. Describe your target audience? What do you want to your site to convey? Who are your director competitors? List any important words that you want people to associate with your organization’s image and brand. What is your tagline? Do you have a high-resolution logo? Yes No Not Sure If yes, what format is it in? (Exam: JPEG, EPS, PNG) Have you considered redesigning your logo? Yes No Do you have a style guide or brand standards? Yes No Do you have established print materials? If yes, what type (brochure, letterhead, event materials, etc) : Are there any colours that you want incorporated into the website? If you were using a search engine, what words or phrases would you use to find your site? Do you use Google Analytics? Yes No Please list the names of three to five other sites that you like. In the comment section, please articulate why the sites are attractive to you. Please inclue the URL and comments about each site. What types of things do you see on other websites do you dislike? If you already have a website is your site managed by a content management system (CMS)? Yes No I'm not sure If yes, where type of CMS are you using? Do you currently have a blog? Yes No Approximately, how many static pages do you need? (Exam: About, Contact Us, Donate, FAQ, etc.) A ballpark number is fine. At minimum, we would like to have these types of pages as part of our site. Check all that apply: Home About Staff FAQ Contact Terms of Use News and Events Testimonials Services Volunteer Disclaimer Donate Page Privacy Policy Other Do you currently have content that you want to use? Yes No If no, who will be providing the content? Do you have high resolution photos that you want to incorporate into your website? Yes No Who will be updating this website on an ongoing basis? How often do you think you will be updating the website? Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Please check all of the features you would like to incorporate into your website: Image Gallery Forum RSS Feed Search Function E-Commerce SEO Video Calendar Advertising Analytics Responsive Design Social Media Other Which Social Media tools do you use? Check all that apply. Facebook Twitter Youtube LinkedIn Yelp Foursquare TripAdvisor Instagram Tumblr Google+ Pinterest Flickr Other What types of social media integration would you like to see? Are there any other website functions that you need Do you currently use any thrid party software? Email/Calander or other ? Who is the decision maker for this project? What is the typical turnaround time for making decisions? Do you have a designated IT person that we need to coordinate with? Yes No What other staff will be involved and what are their roles? What is your preferred deadline for completing the site? Anything else we can help you with? Home